
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2005-03-28
:::: 10:08 a.m.
I haven't been here in a LONG while. I have another site and updating this one seems redundant. I am no longer in Arizona, thank goodness. I love the Pacific Northwest and wish everyone a visit here at least once in their lifetime. Anyhoo, all is good in the banner life of LT. I wish I were rich but when has that ever NOT been my desire. It, meaning money, wouldn't solve all my problems but it would sure give me the nice illusion, nonetheless... Anyhoo, I feel SO glad that SPRING BREAK is next week and I am going to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! I may go to Seattle and/or Portland but I am looking forward to Spring cleaning and trying to work out on a daily basis to get my bod ready for my family trip in July 2005. Here's to week vacations! YEAH!

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