
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2004-09-2
:::: 10:19 p.m.
Exactly! I seriously needed Michelle Branch music today. I had a bad start to the first day of the school year. I was ready to go to work when what happens when I get to my car, but a dead battery. I get jumped and make it to a gas station, only to realize that yep, you guessed it...my car died again. Well, luckily the battery guy was across the street and I ended up payin $87 to get a new battery and have it installed. Ratsola! Well, come to find out I need new brakes AND a front-end alignment. Whatever! Needless to say I won't be having fun, EVER! Damn! I know that's not true but it feels like it right now... Ah well, when I finally made it into work everybody was cool and put a "good humor" spin on it by saying, "Welcome to the first day of school!" The people here are SO laid back and I LOVE it. Anyway, I am starving and I'm about to go get something to eat even though it's late. Anyway, I changed my cell number to a local number so I'll be getting in touch with everybody soon to give the 411.

Peace Out!

Song of the day: Breathe by Michelle Branch... If I just breathe...everything is alright..."

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