
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-07-30
:::: 2:11 a.m.
Tuesday was not so hot because we had a drizzle of rain yesterday and today. It was in the 90s all day. It was however hot in another way... Please, let me tell you why I AM FREAKING OUT! Needless to say, I am livid...LIV-ID I tell you. Anyway, I need to calm down before I actually talk about it... I just erased what I previously wrote because it was just too scathing to print. I feel like shouting a thousand screams right now I am so ANGRY! I can't sleep because tomorrow I have to get up early and fix what mess has been created by someone else's stupidity. I am generally not so incensed but as you can read, I am today. At this point I really don't care who reads this... All I know is right now I am angry and I'm sure it will dissipate. Oh I can't even see straight I'm so upset. Song of the day: Sunshine Day by The Bradys. I am being totally ironic, sarcastic, and everything opposite to what this song means. Why? Because today was NOT a 'sunshine day.'

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