
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 07/30/2003
:::: 7:48 p.m.
Okay... A catastrophe was averted. Phew! Also, T was pretty understanding considering I was very abrupt in ending something before we even began. I don't know what it is, maybe I'm not ready for a 'serious' relationship but I am glad I was honest. It really does pay...maybe not in actual dollars but I did learn from this...Tomorrow I start work and I am NOT in a work mode or thought process right now. I guess I am ready to do something other than just 'take it easy' which can tend to get old after a while... Today was a good day. It was a friend's b-day and I got them a nice gift and card. I love making people happy. There's something so pure about someone being thankful and just plain gracious. Ah, what the world would be if people were all innately like this... Yep, I am a dreamer...Oh, well, try and stop me because I've been like this as long as I can remember. Call me idealistic or what have you, I am glad to be for the most part an optimist in pessimist's clothing...Oh, want another show to get addicted to? Boy Meets Boy... Oh it's a keeper. Oh well, I better go bc BB4 is on and I'm dying to see who wins next HOH. The Xs have to be eliminated or it's over for the initials...Come on Okies and Yanks!(I'm from Tx, it's alot to root for an Okie and someone from Philly...Ally no less!)

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