
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2004-08-25
:::: 6:33 p.m.
I am in Washington State. My sister called me and said she loves their apples. She is TOO funny! Anyway, I drove all night, (no pun intended) to get here. The mountains in Oregon are a biatch! If I ever move again, I mean more than 1,000 miles, I am going to sell everything and take a flight. That drive wore me out! I seriously had neck and back spasms from trying not to roll down the 500 miles of mountains between here and Oregon. Actually, the whole I-5 drive were mountains, just the Oregon ones are STEEP as H-E-L-L! Anyway, I made it safely and now I have been trying to unload my U-haul for the past 2 days. Happy Birthday to PD!

Song of the day:"Happy Birthday" by Anonymous. Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear PD! Happy Birthday to You!"

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