
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2004-06-21;
:::: 8:54 p.m.
Okay, this freakin' server has been down for a week so I am condensing my latest entry with the last. At any rate, Personal Velocity, the speed in which one decides what "rite of passage" she will conquer whenever She decides to conquer it, not when society determines she should... This is the topic PD and I discussed last night as we were anticipating the next episode of SFU. Whilst we were bantering back and forth about the shallow minded fools we have encountered in Mid-Western and South-Western America, we realized what we already subconsciously were thinking. We will determine our own rate when we will pro-create, get married, (Yes, married!) when and if we so choose to do so... Anyway, I let PD know I was happy to talk to her after a long drought of having not spoken with her, 5 months perhaps. She of course displayed true Southern hospitality that is innate and not learned by inviting me to visit her wherever she may be this Summer. I am seriously looking for some rates to visit in the coming month so that I can escape what is the hell of my existence, Summer in Arizona. We have had a constant of 105 minimum everyday this week and last. I am about to melt if I don't get a good dose of Texas and it's ever welcome humidity. Moisture please! Get your minds out of the gutter people! Anyway, I have been really lazy as of late, except for the visit to my hairstylist who essentially butchered my color, all has gone well. I made an appt. today to get it corrected this Friday. The stylist said to call her if I was not happy, well I did this and now me thinks the lady thinks I doth protest too much. Let me just reiterate what I learned in Business Law 101, "The customer is ALWAYS right!. Here is an addendum to that statement, "Beeeeyotch!" Ahh, I feel much better. Catharsis has set in yet again. he he! P.S. Personal Velocity also happens to be a movie with Parker Posey, one of my fave actresses. It played today on cable and damn if it didn't help me process what I spoke with PD about last night. Not bad for a serendipitous moment, huh?! Song of the day: "Sorry, Wrong Trajectory" by Flickerstick. "You still think you could control me if you tried..." This band won "Bands on The Run" a couple of years back. They are from D/FW. Later!

2004-06-13 Summer is here! Or At Least It's Coming!

"Times are hard, you're just gonna have to swallow your pride...Why I heard just the other day that little retarded boy was working at the Dairy Queen..." Swoosie Kurtz's character aka Lalaina's mom. Lalaina's response: "I'm not retarded mom, I was VALEDICTORIAN of my class."

Ha-ha! I love it! Cracks me up every time. Paraphrased a bit but every bit as funny, no?!

Anyway, I've been doing fine as of late. I am supposed to go home for a family get together but plans may change as chicken pox may be a factor in foiling my nephew's health. I laid out today and I somehow forgot to put sunscreen, yeeeeouch! Here's hoping the aloe vera lotion I put on will remedy any sunburns I may have acquired. Mundane activities I'm sure, but such are the days of Summer!

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