
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2004-04-27
:::: 5:50 p.m.
Banality is the opposite of Glamour - the active or passive destruction of creativity through apathy or intent.

Let's move on... As of late, every benign thing someone says has been getting on my last nerve. I really need to work on being less sensitive when people just "remark" on things. Some remarks like, "We have enough Mexicans where we live" need to be addressed at the time they're said, however! At any rate, in my defense, I am about to be OTR so a little slack should be given to me. I mean, who says being a woman is easy? Men apparently!

As for other goings on, my doctor says I need to start eating right because my cholesterol has risen to a dangerously "at risk" level. Surprise, Surprise! What did I think she'd say since I rarely cook and/or choose to eat healthy meals as of late. Anyway, I seriously need to revamp my diet and start re-taking my Vitamin-E and daily vitamin supplements. Exercising on a consistent basis couldn't hurt either, I'm sure... Anyway, I have been choosing not to be the smart person I know I usually am, as far as my diet and eating right. Ah well, this gives me motivation to get back on the plan to being the best me I can be. I actually was productive at work and actually put a dent in paperwork. That felt good.

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