
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-03-06
:::: 1:56 p.m.
Okay, so I missed one day. I had to go to Phoenix to hand deliver some very important papers so I can continue to work. Needless to say, the way beaurocrats work in these parts in so inept it's not even funny! Anyway, I did go to Krav Maga and my legs are feeling it. My instructor is cute but so by the book. Nevermind that everybody paired up and little ol' me was left alone. No bother, one of the instructors paired up with me and I was able to work out with him. He was older but cool bc he gave me tips on how to be more effective. Anyway, the class was made up of all these women who are kind of 'scatty', and they do not have the benefit of looking like Uma Thurman. They better recognize! Just kidding. Anyway, all in all, I've had a good week and today is 'Must See T.V.' on NBC. Other than that, no big plans. I may just work out at home bc I am so tired from driving 450 miles to and from Phoenix yesterday. Have a great one.

Song of the Day: Sorta Fairytale-Tori Amos (My fave actor, Adrien Brody is in this video!)

It's so true if you listen to the lyrics. Be careful what you wish for bc you just might get it. The fairy tale is a myth people. Even if you do live 'ever after' together, it's rarely 'happily ever after." A good relationship requires work and anyone who tells you they don't argue is 'a lyin' to ya!' Anyway, I interpret the song to be about not letting appearances rule your heart bc that's just the 'cover of a book' you need to 'read' the book in order to find out what it's all about. In other words, give people more than face value bc chances are that person is a great find and/or person to get to know and possibly love. Yes, I am a die-hard romantic...WHAT?!

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