
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-03-11
:::: 8:53 a.m.
Okay, Where to start? I had the most tripped out day yesterday. Literally... First, I lost my contact somewhere in my bathroom. I combed the entire upstairs and downstairs of my apt. and it was nightmarish not being able to find it. What a pain! So, I'm there squinting bc I was so stubbornly sure I would find it that I refused to put on my back up contact, which would have probably expedited me finding the freakin' thing. So, I'm squinting under the sink, which I took apart thinking, 'oh yeah, it's in the groove of the pipe, and I'm also carrying a lamp without a shade, and POW! I burn the skin above my left elbow! YOUCH! I put frozen vegetables on it but it still ended up being a third degree burn, blisters and ALL! Yuck! It is so nasty but I don't think it will scar. Oh well, one more scar on my tired old tomboyish body won't matter, it adds character right?! Whatever and ever AMEN! Anyway, I better get to work. I forgot a freakin' meeting they could of taken care of without me but I have this nuisance of a woman calling me so I need to go fix whatever she thinks is so freakin' emergent. I can't wait for Spring Break... two weeks and it can't come soon enough...

Oh, Tori Amos' "Sorta Fairytale" song is about finding your soul mate and maybe not always ending up with them but still living in the moment and realizing you had it, whatever IT is, for at least a little while. She was on Isaac Mizrahi's show last night on the Oxygen channel and she explained the song's meaning. It is such an awesome song. She's gonna have a concert of requests on Oxygen this Sunday, I highly recommend it!

Later alligators!

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