
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-03-25
:::: 9:00 a.m.
I have been so busy at work. Sorry Lemonheads! OKAY, I've been kind of feelin' 'under the weather' so, suffice it to say I haven't been feeling up to updating. Anyway, no major news to report. I was chastized by my Krav coach for missing class on Friday. This is why I'm a 'good girl' and never skipped class in High School. Actually, the one time I chose to skip, I was busted by my VP. Yes, the luck does not fall in my favor. Anyway, I am getting back on the wagon but I was out of commission bc my 'friend came to visit.' You homegirls from Tejas know the scene and what I mean. Anyway... It seems like I've awakened to the same crap we were dealing with when GHWB was in office and not his less than stellar sequel of a son. I know, conservatives look away now bc I am demeaning the office of the president. Ha! Whatever. I love this country and the fact that I can say what I choose and feel passionate about is the best part of it. I am taking a cue from Michael Moore, the documentarian who won for 'Bowling for Columbine." I am patriotic and I support the troops now that our Exec. Officer has gotten us into this mess. God Speed,and I'll check you all later. Song of the Day: Foo Fighters "Times Like These" Foos Forever! Oh, Adrien Brody won Best Actor! Wooo hooo!

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