
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-06-06
:::: 3:08 p.m.
Well, I went to DQ and this girl told me I look like Kelly Clarkson 'The American Idol'. Booahaha! How funny considering we are nowhere near the same person except we're both from Texas. Does this mean I inherit her millions? Anyway, today is an oh so boring day except I just found out I'm gonna make mad extra money for the next two weeks and I am stoked. I'm typing this at work and I have acrylic nails so I am making all kinds of mistakes. Booyeah! I guess I can go home and/or to either Seattle or back to NYC. Yeah, you know me, as the group Naughty by Nature says... Anyway, maybe I'll time a trip to NYC to coincide with the premiere of S&TC on June 22nd. Woo hoo! that would be hella cool! Anyway, I went running yesterday and I guess my body is getting used to it because I am not so much in pain. I definitely need to stick to an early morning workout because I did notice I have WAY more energy when I workout first thing in the morning. Anyway, I'm about to 'locomote' because it is Friday and I gots stuff to do and peeps to see.

Song of the Day: Cemetary Gates by The Smiths. 'A dreaded sunny day, so we'll go where we're happy and I'll meet you at the cemetary gates... A dreaded sunny day so we'll go where we're wanted and I'll meet you at the cemetary gates, Keats and Yeats are on your side...While Wilde is on mine.' Oh how I love literary references in songs!

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