
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-06-05
:::: 4:44 a.m.

Oh, to look like Penelope. Don't get me wrong, I think I'm a cute girl but I'd love to be 'saucy' like my homegirl. Anyway, I can't sleep and I'm about to go to my first early morning workout in a long-ass time. We'll see if I end up going or not.(Update: It's 6:24pm Thursday-I did go about 12 hours ago. I kicked butt and did 2 miles! Wooo hoo!) Today I have to test and I have 1 meeting at 1pm. Ugh! Well, I am thinking about going to Seattle to just hang out and go to museums and I'll stay at a place called the Vermont Inn. It's $325 a week and I would only be staying a week. Cancun is sold out and I haven't checked on Costa Rica. Hmmm, that is sounding better now that I think about it. Well, I'll keep my faithfuls posted once I decide. Anyway, I better 'gets ta steppin' so I can get some energy to sustain me for the day.

Song of the day: 'How Soon is Now?' by The Smiths...'I am the son and the heir of a shyness that is criminally vulgar. I am human and I need to be loved just like everybody else does'

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