
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-07-01
:::: 5:33 p.m.
So, I am back in Arizona as of 12:25pm Pacific time. I have to say I was tempted to stay the day in Phoenix but I had to pick up my dogs from the kennel so I wouldn't owe another $20! Ugh! As far as Austin goes, I had a great visit. I met my new nephew, visited with my sisters, nephew and his fiance, and took it easy and then went to all my old 'stomping grounds,' so to speak... I pretty much went to the following places and just revelled in the fact that I was home. (E.g., Manuel's, The Factory Outlet stores in San Marcos, W-Lanes, (bowling)The Hickory Street Bar and Grille, The Library, Trudy's, The Mexi-Arte Museum, and Tesoro's on Congress) While at Tesoro's, I bought some wicked Frida Kahlo postcards and a gift for my friend M here in Arizona. All in all, I had a great visit home and I think that it was 'just what the doctor ordered.' I feel rejuvenated and glad that I went. Song of the day: Cherish-By Madonna...'Cherish is the word I use to remind me of...your love...you're giving it to me boy; you keep giving me all-all your joy, give me faith, I will always cherish you. Romeo and Juliet they never felt this way I bet, so don't underestimate my point of view.' Anyway, it was one of the songs I was listening to on the ride home from Phoenix.

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