
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-07-05
:::: 10:59 a.m.
Funny Movie Quote: "I ain't no trick baby!"-Reese Witherspoon in Freeway...That one's for you PD. hah-ha!

Song of the day: Are you happy now? by Michelle Branch. 'Can you look me in the eye? Are you happy now?' I really like her because she is the 'anti-Britney' so to speak. She actually sings live, such as X-tina, AND she plays an instrument, the guitar. She is from Arizona and she is so down to earth. She sang live in one of the radio studios and I listened to it on my way to pick up a friend 2 months ago in Phoenix. I will probably pick up her new CD 'Hotel Paper' sometime soon.

Anyway, as for today, I am debating whether to work-out now or later. I will probably go now because that will give me energy for later. I have been having some dreams lately of the HHSIAW variety. Figure it out girls! First one to solve the riddle gets a week's supply of popcorn. (notice I didn't say I was buying it, just kidding hah-ha!) Anyway, I better get busy and go workout because I need to run some errands and still go and buy that sunscreen at Dillards. I decided to wait since I couldn't be torn away from the SITC marathon on WE. Suffice it to say, I had a good day. Here's to another one today! One day at a time...

Oh, my horoscope says today is my 'lucky in love' day, the 1st was supposed to be also, shyeah right! Although, I did get flirted with at the neighborhood grocery store, of course the guy was maybe 18...Jailbait! That would not be my idea of 'lucky in love' so to speak, but it does boost the ego somewhat...

Anyway, the positive thought for me today is: I am a cute girl who doesn't need to go chasing after anyone.

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