
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-06-04
:::: 8:47 a.m.

An Army of me to the rescue! Today I'm supposed to go to work at 12pm to attend a 'birthday' bash for the Summer B-days. Mind you I also have to shell out 25 dollars for people I don't even consider my friends. Who asks a birthday girl to give money at their birthday? Apparently these people do. At least my 'real' birthday isn't until next month. Phew! Maybe it'll be better than last year where noone could make it to my b-day dinner and my purse was stolen the weekend of... Anyway, as far as work goes, this is the type of freakin' office crap I have to put up with for at least 2 more weeks. I'm gonna go in late because they don't pay me enough to put up with this cagada! Ha! No seriously, my friend M is leaving so I don't mind buying her a gift and the other $ is for a boss gift that she already thanked me for so the Catholic guilt won't let me not give to that. Anyway, I am doing okay, I just miss my friends and family. My younger sister called yesterday and sometimes she can be such a little pisher but I love her anyway. She starts talking about stuff and then I come to find out she STILL hasn't picked up my treadmill and my other loveable older sister is going to donate it if my younger sister doesn't come pick it up. Gotta love my family! Damn, this is what I grew up with and these are just my full-blooded relatives. Don't even get me started on my 'tripped out' cousins in Corpus. My mother's side of the family is a joke and I can see why she left as a young adult to get away from all the madness. I am still on the 'look-out' for my Mom's sister who lives on this side of the country but maybe in Mexico. I just want to know more about my mom and what type of person she was, at least before everybody she knew leaves this earth.

Song of the Day: Bjork-Army of Me-Because it's gonna take an Army of Me to survive the rest of this week. Plus, I feel like it's a 'me against the world' kind of day.

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