
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-12-10
:::: 12:36 p.m.
I've gotten some nice compliments on my outfit today. I guess I'm somewhat in the "holiday mood" so I'm dressing the part. Anyway, I've been taking it easy but I went running last night right before "Rich Girls" came on MTV. I love that show but I feel for that girl Jaime, she is clinically depressed and she is so sad all the time. Well, as for me, I have a X-mas party to go to this month and nothing festive to wear. I may have to go bargain hunting at the discount store and see what I can match to what I already own. Yikes, it's the dreaded company party that noone can NOT go to because the whole office will decide to talk about it for the rest of the year, WHATEVER! I'm sure it'll be fine but I am so stressed right now with this let alone other "real-life" situations. Where's a Genie when you need one, ha! ha! Well, adieu!

Song of the Day:aka "God Put A Smile Upon Your Face" by Coldplay "Where do we go to draw the line? Yea! When you walk along...Your guess is as good as mine..." Track 3 on the "A Cold Rush Of Blood To The Head" CD. MONSTROUS CD!

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