
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-09-29
:::: 8:35 p.m.
My eye keeps catching every piece of lint in town. My allergies are still raging! Anyway, I got all my work done and now I just have to wait and see. I, as well as my fellow employees, got this stupid letter from our employer about time-sheets and more bureaucratic crap about sick-days and vacation and how we only get paid for 5 sick days and that it comes out of our end of the year bonus. So, in other words, we don't get a bonus if we get sick more than 5 days. God forbid you are human and you actually miss a day of work. You can't let that happen because then they don't make money. Whatever! Yes, we can make choices but damn if the big cheese isn't just a little bit greedy. I'm so sick of this 'rat race' I feel like Diane Keaton's character from 'Baby Boom' when she says she feels like she's contributing to the 'rat race' mentality and wants to just quit the business. Education a business? Yep, the people in education have even desecrated the sanctity of education believe it or not. All they care about is how much money they can get and how they can get it so the administrators can get $100,000 salaries while the people that do all the work (i.e., teachers, support staff) don't see a dime. I didn't become what I am to contribute to this morass of greed. I still am idealistic in this pessimistic world but I am just tired of working with every fiber of my being for it to be shunned and ridiculed because silly me, I actually want to talk to the kids and hear what they have to say. Anyway, enough of my rantings.

Mantra for the day: I am going to do what I can when I can.

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