
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-06-11
:::: 8:52 a.m.

(8:40pm-Okay, I remembered on my way to work this morning what compliment was given to me. She said I was a 'woman of substance'. Is that the nicest thing a person can say? I think it's one of...This means she thinks highly of me, pretty cool. Approval is important to me sometimes...)Maybe I should take a floral arrangement class? Just a random thought. Anyway, somebody just called me from work. Technically I don't have to be in 'til 1pm. What the F*$%! do they want?! I am not in the best of moods today. I haven't gone running and I can tell the difference in how I function when compared to when I DO run. Anyway, somebody at work gave me a compliment and now I can't remember what it was... Oh well, I took it with a grain of salt even though I actually like this person. Something about being a well cultured woman or something to that effect. I'm sure I'll remember two days later. The compliment was given about a month ago but I was needing to remind myself that I'm not the 'jacked up' person that I feel like I am today. Hormones, oh the toll they take on me!

Song o' the day: Bengali in Platforms by Morrissey-'Bengali, Bengali, he only wants to embrace you...Bengali, Bengali in Platforms, he only wants to embrace your culture...' I think it's about some Middle Easterner dressing 'American' in the middle of India or somewhere in those parts.

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