
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-05-08
:::: 8:06 a.m.
Ugh! I just called my school and told them I'd be a little late. Gosh, I just want to call in but I have tons to do. Man, I have like zilch energy. I'm going to the doctor today to figure out why. Actually, it's a nurse practitioner so we'll see what she has to say. Anyway, I have yet to wash my clothes and clean my apartment. Once I do that, I may have to post it for posterity. Because who knows how long it will stay that way, ha! ha! Gosh, one of my friends called me at work so that was cool. We were talking about the crappy day she was having. Mine was a'ight! Dude, I have totally been thinking about 'past loves' as of late. I think it's just the hormones talkin' if ya know what I mean!?! Jeez Lou 'freakin' weez! I guess I better go because as usual, Little Miss S is looking for her mini-dress or something else to wear to work. Oh, today is the soiree at my friend M's house. I'll let you know how it all goes down. I just hope they don't try to pawn off one of their friends on me. Why? Because us singletons are always seen as the 'odd ones' out and apparently it's the duty of our 'married,( YES! Married, jeez!)'

friends to remedy this with the requisite, 'oh have you met so and so...' Anyway, I'll give ya'll the digs on that later.


Song of The Day: HUNG THE MOON-by-Better Than Ezra..."You held the Sun...and Hung the Moon, yeah! Say you'll stay...

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