
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-06-15
:::: 6:40 p.m.
Well, I made it back last night around 6:45pm Pacific time. I am so tired today, I just slept and watched True Life: First Year. It's about a singer, basketball player, and cop, with all of them in their 'Rookie' year of trying to become 'pro' in their respective professions. Anyway, one dude decided to go Pro in the NBA and NOONE picked him in the draft. Greed is NOT good. He says he's not all about the 'bling-bling' but why else would he go pro? Anyway, he went for his so that's respectable. However, I was a bit perturbed that he told some young kids that he couldn't go to college. Yes you can, you just CAN'T play basketball in the NCAA. THAT'S the difference, not that you CAN'T go to college. Anyway, on another front, I was getting info from some other non-trad law students and I am not the only one deferring for at least one year, two tops. I figure this will give me time to apply to some other choice schools since I did kind of 'start the ball rolling' late into the application period. What else? Well, I'm just taking it easy but tomorrow I am going to an Outlet Mall in Viejas, just outside of San Diego with A & M from work. I am probably gonna go crazy shopping at the Gap and Old Navy since we don't have these stores where I live. Gosh I miss 'Big City Life' because there is ALWAYS something to do in a big city. Anyway, today I'm giving thanks to what I DO have. I am thankful for my friends, (e.g., PD, BN, M and Cris in Killeen) guys with manners, (that is so attractive, so much more than what a man drives) my family, (immediate like my three sisters, my uncle M, my nieces and nephews the J's, R, and M, because as I've reported before, my family is 'jacked-up' on both sides) and for just being given another day in this thing called life.

Song O'The Day: Beautiful Boy by John Lennon, 'Beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful boy!' Because even though they tend to be heartbreakers, everyone should experience at least one 'beautiful boy' in their lives. He actually wrote this about his son Sean when he was born. I am using 'artistic expression' to share it with my girls. Where my girls at?

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