
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-04-29
:::: 9:23 a.m.
There's this 'evil' woman that is giving me grief. I need to remember that I shouldn't give all that energy to one person. Although I cannot control how she behaves, I can control how I react to her behavior. I tell you, some people just get up in the morning ready to pounce on people. Whatever, all I can say is what Don Henley said, "You keep carrying that anger, it will eat you up inside". Anyway, I am working from home right now. My boss is out of town but somehow I get paged this morning to get 'notified' that this person received the work I did and she was picking it apart. First of all, this person doesn't even know how to interpret what I did. Did she freakin' go to school for 8 years? Nope! Anyway, I find it humorous when people who know absolutely nothing about a topic pontificate like it's what they were born to do. This is her mantra, "I've done research". Whatever, research my middle finger beeeyatch! Ahh, I got it out, so now I can let it go. See, catharsis really does work, even in written form. Today is a good day! That will be my mantra so I can have 23 great hours to 'erase' the bad one. My day will be filled with 2-3 miles of running/walking, smiling at a stranger, and using good posture. I love myself and I love my friends. God Bless!

-Song of The Day- In a New York Minute by Don Henley... "In a New York Minute, everything can change!"

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