
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-05-06
:::: 2:24 p.m.
Today I finally went to get my lip/brow waxed over lunch. Yowza! My stylist/hairdresser is probably one of the most fit people I know. She has two kids and she has about 7 to 10% fat on her body. Life is so NOT fair. But, she's cool, so I accept that she just has good genes. Anyway, I can't resolve if I was being asked by her, 'Do you go to the gym?' because I look like I need to go, or because she was complimenting me. At least she said my face 'looked good'. I guess I should take this all with a grain of salt, who knows... I've been REALLY sensitive lately and this may be just too much for me to decipher right now. Nevertheless, that doesn't excuse what I'm about to discuss...oh this is a pickle and a half... I work with alot of people who keep asking me all kinds of dumb ass questions. Does anybody think before opening his/her mouth anymore? Mind you, they are the same questions they have been asking all year. Maybe they think the freakin' answers are going to change. I don't think they realize, or they feign they don't realize, that people have rights and you can't just 'change' their services. People don't just stop having rights because you woke up one day and decided, 'this is what's going to happen.' These are the kind of people I work with. Mind you, they're educated and freakin' have MA's, MBA's, MSW's, etc... They actually have the audacity to ask me to do illegal things that are against my ethics and that of the federal government. They can't believe the look of incredulousness that befalls me when I tell them 'YOU CAN'T DO THAT!' I'm seriously thinking about slapping the next person who asks me something stupid not only once, but twice.(And believe me it WILL happen...The stupid asking of the ? I mean...) I look at them with half incredulity and half bemusement at the fact that these are the people being hired to educate and counsel our children. I'm thinkin', 'No wonder our society is going to shit!' Anyway, I passed my traffic school course and it will be delivered overnight. I ended up just paying for the certificate to be delivered because I don't want to chance it being late. As my English teacher used to say, 'Procrastination is the thief of time.' And, it is... Anyway, I have about 10 minutes left to work and I am outta here because I worked late all last week and came in last night to do some paperwork. I talked to one of my friends last night. It seems men all over are out-doing themselves as far as how badly they can treat a woman. I did give her kudos and told her what I've always told her, that she deserves the best and that he never really was 'good enough' for her. I'm talking this girl is freakin' brilliant. I really do believe in all of my friends and I know whatever path we all decide to take we will be the better for it and we will all be successful. Successful in the best sense of the word, where each of is just ends up being happy, fulfilled, and content...

Song of The Day #2: Sister-by-The Nixons...'Sister I miss you...dancin' on the stage of memories...Thoughts of you...remain true!'

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