
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-04-04
:::: 1:10 p.m.
People I am in denial that my Spring Break is over! Ugh! Back to reality, as EMINEM says. Whatever... I am trying to figure out where I am travelling for the weekend. I wanted to go to 'Death Valley' California but then I saw how much dry land would be between here and my destination and I see why they call it 'Death Valley'...bc I would freakin' die of freakin' dehydration by the time I got there. Nope, I am therefore searching the internet for cool swapmeets, flea-markets or other weekend shopping trends. Oh, one of my friends, PD, cracks me up. Please read her diary today. Say, "Hey!" to A for me homegirl! So, anyway, not much has transpired over this week. I kept getting up every day saying I'd do some Spring cleaning but all I've done is one load of laundry and stuffed the rest in baskets to at least allow myself the pretense of having started cleaning. Whatever, I'm allowed to be lacadaisical once in a while, right? Okay, what else? Not much... I do have a funny story though. It is of course true bc only my life is this hilarious, or so it seems! Well, one of my supposed friends, I'll call her M bc she is the one that went ballistic on me and I decided to end that 'toxic' relationship. Well, I received this letter with her telling me about this guy 'O' we'll call him. She actually wrote me telling me how much she misses me and then continues to tell me how 'fine' this guy is (mind you her taste is worse than eating a rancid piece of meat)and how she will 'hook me up' with him when I come down to visit. Hello! Didn't I just tell you that our friendship is done and yet you still write me like nothing freakin' happened. Can you say psychotic?! Can I get an amen, sister girls?! Halleluiah! Anyway, she continues to tell me that he also drives a black BMW. Who gives a rat's ass bc I don't. How shallow can someone be? Apparently, she is wading in the shallowest of waters which makes me sad and yet quantifies my decision and reassures me that it was the best decision to end this 'friendship.' Anyway, it does make me thankful for the truth I hear from people like PD and my other 'true' friends. Can I get a 'what, what?" Anyway, I am looking forward to at least having today off and then the weekend to ponder my returning back to work. I do feel rejuvenated and maybe work will not be so bad since I know I only have 6 weeks left until SUMMER VACATION! Woooo hoooo! Big up to my girls in Tejas, have a great weekend and do our cheer (top,top, bottom, bottom, top, bottom, middle) for me when drinkin' the ML or Amstale or whatever tickles your fancies!

Song of the Day: Matthew Sweet "We're The Same." Because, aren't we all just looking for the same thing? It's another love song, 'sigh.' I tell ya folks, I am a sucker for a man who knows what to tell a woman, and he's sincere about it. Whether it be good or bad, etc. And so the song goes, "Baby we're the same, when we look into each-others eyes, baby...I never told you what to do, maybe it's me, maybe it's you" I saw him in concert in Austin last year sometime. He has gained alot of weight but his voice is like butta!

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