
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-09-17
:::: 11:08 p.m.
Guess what? I'm tired. No big surprise there. Well, now I went and did the craziest thing, signed up for more work. At least I get paid per client instead of salary on this job. Like I always say, my grandma didn't raise no pendeja. Anyway, I am literally exhausted. I have only one body and it has to be at four places at once, don't ask me how I still manage to stay standing, but I do. Well, here's an additional few items on my way to 100 clues to me...

51. I can be a biatch because I can be! Yep, you guessed it, I'm a Heather, vanity and all! Tee hee!

52. I love 'boys, boys, all types of boys,' as Missy Elliot would say...

53. I stammer when I get nervous or when I'm so freakin' tired I can't even talk.

54. Don't be askin' a girl her age, Southerners find it's rude and a girl would tell you if she REALLY wanted you to know. So, all you Yanks and Californians, adapt!

55. I think Texas really is the 'BEST STATE IN THE USA.'

56. I can remember every best friend from Kindergarten to Highschool(12th Grade).

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