
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-09-12
:::: 6:17 p.m.
YO! YO! YO! I am having a banner day and I've realized I really need to be nicer and give people who don't know any better more of a chance. Aaaaanyway, enough about stuff that is so NOT important. I finally got paid for my contract work. Yippee! Oh, but of course the car bill is due. What's new? Yeesh! I am so glad I'm a Gen-Xer so I can just chalk it up to 'that's life' and let it go. Oh, I got a contract faxed to me today to work with the JD population. It looks like I am gonna take it. I just have to pay for liability insurance. Argh! I think it's gonna cost something like $300 smackeroos! It's for private practice aspects, so in case someone decides to sue. Yuck! In this litigious society though, one never knows. Aaanyway, lifes been okay but I'm exhausted. I seriously need to go running to boost the energy level in this mo'fo. Ha!

Later dawgs! Song of the day: "Up In Here" by DMX... Ya'll gonna make me lose my mind, up in here, up in here...'

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