
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-08-28
:::: 5:52 p.m.
Okay, So I've had time to process what the next indicators of me consist of... Remember, I'm a sensitive soul, Achtung Baby!

26. About 6 or 7 years ago, I called up one of my college-crushes and drunkingly told him, "I had a crush on you!" (Or something like that, who knows 'exactly' what I said because I was so toasted!) You know he had caller ID, oh my God! What's worse, I left it on his machine, so you know his current flame played it over for the mere entertainment factor... What in the world was I thinking? Oh yeah, I wasn't!

27. In case you haven't noticed. I do a running commentary on everything that happens in my life, to a fault I'm afraid...oh well, DEAL!

28. I can be self-righteous...again to a fault.

29. I have alot of defense mechanisms stemming from being told I would amount to nothing as a child. All these comments coming from jealous aunts and their daughters (my cousins) who were pissed that my grandmother doted on me and my sisters. So, needless to say my drive to succeed is somewhat fueled by the 'non-believers' comments. Oh yeah!

30. My grandmother once chased me down a street as a teenager, while I was roller-skating. She was 70- something years old. I was a terror I'm afraid. (Okay is anyone else rolling at the visual of a grandma chasing or trying to chase a 13 year old girl on roller-skates?)

31. I was a straight A student up until 9th grade when I decided it was time to rebel.

32. This guy named Sammy in 7th grade actually bought a Valentine in school and posted it up to profess his love to me. Awww! I totally dogged him bc I was a four-eyed buffoon who was more interested in the Chronicles of Narnia.

33. I'm nearsighted to the point that I used to refer to myself as Beaker from the Muppets. Hence, I wear contacts.

34. My best male friend in the world is Gay. (Not that there's anything wrong with it...He! he! It's a Seinfeld reference) He's on his way to Stockholm, Sweden, Beeeyatch! I'm so envious.

35. I was raised by my paternal grandmother.

36. I lived in San Antonio from ages 4 to 14.

37. My grandmother died when I was 13. She was diagnosed with Leukemia and was 79 at the time of her death. I loved her, as mean as she was, I loved her so!

38. I'm a very loyal person.

39. Betray me and 'hell hath no fury...'

40. I am very forgiving, even of people who wrong me, all they need to do is apologize.

41. Being the self-righteous person I am, I drag my ass to apologize, but I do eventually admit I am wrong. If I believe I am, wrong that is...

42. I can 'agree to disagree'. It's a struggle but I can do it.

43. I was spanked as a child. Now remember, I was raised by my grandmother who was 'old school' so to speak.

44. That being said, I don't believe in corporal punishment.

45. I pulled a Brittany Spears and totally turned my back on an ex and said obnoxiously aloud, "He's not even worthy of me even talking to him"!

46. Somebody closely related to me once made a decision to tell one of my friends I did not want to talk to them. That was not true and I really do think it altered how my friendships have evolved. Well, for one, this one didn't, evolve I mean... Come to find this girl has psychological issues and probably needed my support and thought I abandoned her. I felt bad until this girl showed up and started wreaking havoc. I just wish I would have been allowed to make that determination on my own.

47. I hate being coddled.

48. Let me make my mistakes. It's part of life. (I know, these last three are all correlated more or less...)

49. I 'passed gas' during a math test in highschool. I played it off by trying to pretend it was the eraser of my pencil that made the high pitched squeak that exited my body. ha! ha! I can't believe I just shared that, TMI?!

50. I like to be kissed "Bull Durham" style. 'Long, slow, wet kisses that last for days', or something along those lines. Kisses that make you wanna say, "Oh My!" afterward...

Song of the Day: Miserable Lie by The Smiths..."Love is just a miserable lie..." I gotta go bc the MTV Video Music Awards Pre-show is about to begin and this is the only song I could think of... Later alligators!

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