
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-05-13
:::: 8:08 a.m.
Man, the dog groomer just called me, I'm so running late. I told him I would be there in 15 and here I am checking my e-mail and updating my diary. Well, some things ARE more important. Well, I better be a responsible adult and go drop off my girl dog and explain to the groomer her nails are inordinarily long because she will bite my hand off is I even attempt to clip her nails. Apparently dogs are very sensitive in that area and it's like cutting off a toe for us. Who knew! Anyway, I am seriously reevaluating what I want to do for the next year. I am going to need time to think about which direction my life is going to take. I'm glad Summer is coming so I can just 'stop and think' instead of having work stuff on my mind. I did get a fortune that said, 'you will be successful in your career.' Yeah, but which one? I know what I think I want. Jeez, I'm glad I don't believe in reincarnation, THIS life is hard enough. Then, I am just tired and I REALLY need to pay off my M.A. loans so I don't feel like I'll be in debt to the government until I'm 50, although it seems more likely to be the case as the days go by. Anyway, I need to remind myself ONE DAY AT A TIME!

Song of the Day: Nothing Fails by Madonna, again because she is the bomb-diggety! 'I'm in love with you, you silly thing, anyone can see... It was not a chance meeting, feel my heart beating, you're the one...Nothing fails, no more fears, nothing fails, you washed away my tears, nothing fails! When I get lost in space I can return to this place 'cause, you're the one... '

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