
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-11-26
:::: 11:22 a.m.
I have mountains, literally mountains of paperwork. I have a meeting at 2:45pm that I could just kill the woman who scheduled it. I tried to schedule it earlier but there's no home phone supposedly, WHATEVER! Anyway, I am not going to work AT ALL over the holiday. I am going to get away and just take it easy and "hang out" in Seattle. It's supposed to snow so that'll be cool. As for me, I'm fine. My pets were groomed yesterday and my girl dog is the cutest thing in the world. I'll post a picture when I have more time. Well, "Happy Thanksgiving!" Take care and I'd like to take this time to thank everyone and anyone who's ever been or done anything nice for me. I'd even like to thank the people who hurt or let me down because even those "slights" have made me who I am today and for that, I am thankful.

Funny story: I was watching Rich Girls last night and Jamie's mom said she got a Blowjob at a hairdressers. For future reference Mrs. Gleischer, it's called a Blow-out. Ha! Ha! I about rolled when she kept saying I got a BJ at Fredderic Fekkai, ha! ha! It's BJ versus BO, which I thought was a hilarious use of acronyms...

Quote of the day: "Some people look at things and ask, "why?" ...I look at things and ask, "why not?" -Paraphrase of Robert F. Kennedy, former U.S. Attorney General.

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