
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-12-14
:::: 6:50 p.m.
That is the funniest thing I've ever heard. The fact that "Triumph The Insult Comic Dog" actually has a record. I'd much rather listen to him than Britney Spears any day. I AM NOT KEED-ing! Anyway, I saw that movie with Keanu Reeves, "Something's Got To Give." He looks so good! Ah, it's a sin for him to look so damn good. Gosh, he gets better looking every time I see him, if that's at all possible. His humility must be what makes him so attractive, to me anyway. Anyway, enough of my celebrity rantings. I have to go bc I am at work since apparently I can't access my account at home and it absolutely drives me insane, given what I pay for internet and web service. Such is the life of a city girl in the middle of freakin' "nowhere land."

Song of The Day: "I Keed" by Triumph The Insult Comic Dog. "I keed..." He then goes on to insult J-Lo, which in my opinion justifies the song altogether, ha! ha!

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