
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-06-23
:::: 11:36 a.m.
Song of the day: Ocean Front Property in Arizona-George Strait. "I've got some ocean-front property in Arizona...if you buy that..." yada yada yada. It just means, at least by my accounts, don't believe what everybody tells ya 'cause sometimes, people lie. What?! People lie? Damn skippy they do!

I went to the gym yesterday. Mind you I was not feeling too great because I am retaining water like you would not believe. If this is TMI for some people, oh well! I am so sensitive and irritable right now. I will focus on the positive so I can have a great day. Positive thing #1: I just confirmed Kennel reservations for my pups for a week. Positive thing #2: I bought my ticket to go home and am planning to stay a week in my beloved state of Texas. Okay, the only negatory thing is that all these people I used to work with that didn't give a care in the world about me whilst I was there are 'all of a sudden' looking forward to me returning. WHATEVER! I AM looking forward to seeing family and friends and just frankly, taking it easy. I can go running with my sister like we used to downtown so that'll be choice! Oh, S&TC was to die for last night. I love that Carrie! Hmmm, nothing else to report except I need to go and start washing what I'm taking and packing up my bags for my early morning trip to Phoenix, my plane leaves at 10am. I haven't decided if I'm going to drive or if I'm going to take a shuttle. I don't know about public trans. for $40 each way. Especially if they are late and I don't want to stress over something that can be prevented, even if it means putting more mileage and spending more dollars, IF I decide to drive. Oh well, like God says, 'you only live once.' Ha! Ha! We can only hope!

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