
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-06-22
:::: 12:03 p.m.
Does anyone remember that movie? It is such a cult classic that it still gives me nightmares 20 or so years later. It is a really bad B movie, I recommend it only for it's grainy cinematography and almost comical special effects. As for today, I'm dressed to go work out. I feel very anxious today. I feel like the whole world is staring at me. Not in the 'oh she's so cute!' kind of way but in the 'who does she think she is?' kind of way. Speaking of complicated, I am so forlorn about crap I can't even control, it must be hormonal. Yep, you guessed it, it is OTR time. Anyway, I think a good trip to the gym will get my mind focused and start my week out right. Tonight is the premiere of the 6th and FINAL season of S&TC! Waaa! and Yay! all rolled up into one yahoooeey! Anyway, I'm supposed to buy a ticket home but my cheap bootay won't allow myself to pay over $210. I am so bad with deciphering if someone is going to harang me for a bad deal, on a plane ticket at least. Eh, I'll just buy one later on today so I can come home either Tues. or Wed. of next week. We'll see... Hmmm, what else is on the agenda. Oh, I put up a really cool mirror in my dining area that I bought at Pier 1 last week. It cost $22 instead of the regular $65, now that's a deal!

Song of the day: Born of Frustration-James...'Born of frustration, I can't heed all my desires. Strange conversations, self-control has just expired. All an illusion. only in my head you don't exist. Who are you fooling? Don't need a shrink or an exorcist...la da da da da da...

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