
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2005-08-19
:::: 6:03 p.m.
The Latino Festival in Seattle was SO GHETTO, I'm talkin' GHE-tto. I think they actually had a booth from Guatemala? What! Who the hell comes from Guatemala and actually advertises it? JK. Actually, I don't think it was the fact that they were from Guatemala but the fact that the booth had food that had probably been sitting out all day. Ugh! I took one stroll around the park and we booked it outta there Danno! Anyhoo, besides the Ghetto Festival 2005, I had a fun week since the weather has been awesome lately. Mt. Rainier is gorgeous and my SUV is purring like a Kitten since I had my oil-change/transmission flushed. Anyhoo, I'm so needing to get new front tires and can't wait for me to get paid next Friday. It's going to be a LONG week. What's up for this weekend? I'll probably see that movie "The 40 Yr Old Virgin." It looks hilarious and I absolutely love Paul Rudd, what a hottie. Anyhoo, I cooked 1/2 a chicken today and my freakin' right index finger and thumb were almost cooked as well. Even so, it turned out and thank God for cold water. I'm being extra lazy since I have about 8 days off and then the school year starts. Labor Day is going to be nice, perhaps a trip to Oregon is in the cards for some tax-free shopping...Nike Town, here I come, he-he! This is why my ass is broke but it is ALL about me since I don't have any little ones, phew and YAY! Oh, this cutie patootie said he liked my hair yesterday. Yeah he was an attendant in a gas station but a compliment is a compliment, ha! Anecdote of the day: Okay, it was yesterday but it freaked me out so much I had to tell it a day later. Some crazy loon of a lady was on my ass at Safeway when all I wanted to do was buy a sandwich and a cup of potato salad. I'm serious, she was creepily SO invading my personal space it freaked me AND the cashier out. He apologized profusely after the lady kept standing about an inch from me and after I tried to politely tell her that I'm the type of person who needs their personal space. The lady did not bite and just stood there like she was gonna die if he didn't check her out in the next 5 seconds. All I could do was laugh and think "if there's a psychotic person within 10 blocks of me, they find me!" Anyhoo, that turkey sandwich was good!

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