
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2004-01-18
:::: 5:07 p.m.
Okay, it's really weird but today has been a good day, even though not much of anything has happened. I am drinking a Diet Peach Snapple and it is SO good. Too bad all things in life can't be this good. I just came from buying some hairspray and I watched 2 rented movies last night. One was "Anything Else" by Woody Allen, which was funny, the other was "Uptown Girls," which was surprisingly heart-warming. Considering I've been disgusted by Brittany since she starred in "8 mile," she has proven she's an "okay" actress when she isn't required to be TWT. Anyway, I am off tomorrow and I am so glad bc I definitely need another day of rest given I had a really busy week last week at trabajo. I bought my ticket to go home to a family wedding on "Superbowl Weekend." Mind you, I didn't realize it was SW until I remembered SW is always the last weekend in January. That'll be fun to be home where football is a religion and not "just a game." Well, I'm off to go see the last of my movies I rented, "Whale Rider." I hear it's really good and that little girl who is the lead just won a "Critic's Choice" for "Breakout Performance" of 2003. "Lazy Days" never get old...


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