
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-07-09
:::: 9:36 p.m.
I wasn't going to update but I had the most annoying thing happen to me today. I went to the movies to see "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle" and this little biatch behind me kept kicking the chair. I asked her nicely to 'please put her foot down' but she didn't. I guess being as ghetto as she is she didn't think kicking a person's chair for 2 hours was rude. BIATCH! Of course it's rude! Anyway, it was a cute movie but she made me miss dialogue and that is a serious pet peeve of mine. Now, onto good things that happened... I talked to my new friend in San Diego and I asked him to 'hook me up' with a surfing teacher so it looks like I may be getting to surf this Summer after all. I still haven't called to set up work for next week or the next but I still have 2 more days so there's no rush.

Song of the Day: Ready to Run by The Dixie Chicks. I am so glad I went home and I seriously wanted to listen to some music from home. 'Ready-Ready-Ready-Ready-Ready to run, all I wanna do is have some Fuuuuuun. What's all this all this talk about loooooove!' It's about being young, having fun, and just doing what feels right. Ah! C'est la vie! I bought two used CDs today, both Dixie Chicks CDs, 1) Fly 2)Home. I have been blastin' it and singing all day. I know these Arizonians think I'm trippin' but I DON'T care nothin' about what they're thinkin'. Ah, my Texas drawl, I love being a Southern Girl...

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