
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-07-20
:::: 7:45 p.m.
S&TC was good. What is it with men who can't handle a woman being successful or good at what she does? Machismo apparently is alive and kicking in the American male. Whatever! I, just as every woman should be, am also proud of the fact that I have earned everything I have up to this point in my life. Why is it that men think we as women have arrived at the same point with far less of a struggle? These are questions that they (men) need to answer for themselves. I know what I want from my man, to have the freaking ability to accept anyone for what and who they are, regardless of their gender and station in life. Geez, are we in the ego-driven 'Me' eighties again? I thought that train left the station when Robert Downey Jr. was busted for the third time. Men and their freakin' 'survival of the fittest' Darwinian episodes.

Song of the day: Hazy Shade of Winter by the Bangles...'Look around, leaves are brown, there's a patch of snow on the ground. Look around, leaves are brown, it's a hazy shade of winter...'

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