
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-12-03
:::: 11:16 a.m.
Oh my Gosh! I was watching Rich Girls last night and the new show, "The Simple Life," they are so funny and they keep me laughin' all day. Well, as for Rich Girls, I was in Seattle and I saw the Jeri Rice boutique. I didn't bother walking in because if you didn't notice from the show and unless you ARE Tommy Hilfiger's daughter, you can't afford that store. I had no idea the next Rich Girls episode was gonna have them fly to Seattle. What a nice coinky-dink. Ha! Ha! I annoy even myself on that one... Anyway, it was fun to realize I actually had seen the shopping Mecca of Seattle. I could only afford to "window shop" because I spent all my money on bills, bills, bills... Anyway, as far as Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie go, they are a hoot and a holler. I was rolling when I saw that Paris' pants were actually showing her bootay crack, how appropriate since she was in Arkansas at the time. What really had me LOL was when Nicole and Paris were sitting on the porch wearing their Mink coats! They are totally not assimilating into the environment, they are shaping the environment to fit them! I can't wait 'til the next episode. TSL comes on again tonight and they are gonna sneak out and party with the locals. Paris actually calls some guy, "The Hottest Guy In Arkansas..." Ha! Classic...Oh these girls bring back some good ol' Southern memories of "sneakin' out." Ha! Ha! Anyway, everyone have a great day, I know I will.

Song of the Day: "Money Changes Everything by Cindy Lauper."Money! Money Changes Everything!" Ha! Those are the only lyrics I can remember.

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