
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-04-23
:::: 7:09 p.m.
Today was a good day. I actually got some work done. I had to reschedule some meetings for tomorrow since yesterday was a wash. I hope people understand I have alot of work and if they don't... Well, they can just KISS IT and ZIP IT! As one of my good friends, J says! ha! ha! That always makes me feel better bc it's a total rip from Austin Powers when he's talking to his son, "Zip It"! Anyway, I finally got to see Drum Line. Who knew being in band could be so cool? My crappy ass band in high school was NEVER that good. This is why I quit in my Sophomore year after band season. I totally used it for the out of town trips and was able to travel the good ol' state of Tejas. Ya-haaaa! Anyway, I better go bc Idol is gonna start and I have to see if someone undeserving is going to get yanked. If that Carmen girl makes it past one more week I'm boycotting like I did last year. The girl is NOT a singer and I can't believe her voice is on the #1 single in the nation. Of course you have 8 other people drowning her out so maybe that's why she's tolerable on the track. Doh, that was harsh, but intended! ha! ha! Anyway, I ain't hatin' but I sure ain't congratulating, not her anyway. Hmmm, oh I am a candidate to be part of a research team in NYC. Keep your fingers crossed. I may be able to line up an interview in July and I really want this. Pray for me my people, mi gente!

Song of the Day: Like a Prayer-by-Madonna. Because she jammed it on MTV last night. "Just like a prayer, your voice can take me there, just like a muse to me, you are a mystery. Just like a dream, you are not what you seem. Just like a prayer your voice can take me there!

I know this woman is my idol for a reason! She rocks! That's right, I'm keepin' it real! What?! And?! That's what I thought, no objections or comments from the Peanut Gallery... Mmmmm hmmmm...you better recognize! Word! I'm out!

Later dawgs!

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