
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-07-22
:::: 8:20 p.m.
Ugh! I ate too much food today. I am going to go running later. I seriously need to quit eating when I'm bored, which in this po-dunk town is ALWAYS! Today was a lazy day. I am seriously dragging and purposely doing nothing. Next week it's back to the 'real world' of working everyday and acting like I really give a rat's ass what everybody did for the Summer. Three guesses as to what will hold my interest in those conversations? NOTHING! I am a really bad liar so when I'm not interested in what someone is saying, it really shows. I'm talking like I yawn, not because I am faking being tired, but because the conversation is really putting me to sleep. Anyway, I'm gonna be really good and try to get one contract job done this week so I can feel like I did something productive this week. Besides, I really need to save some extra money because I want to buy myself a belated birthday gift. I have been eyeing this particularly bad-ass Italian bag which shall remain nameless but begins with a P and ends with an A and rhymes with yada. Of course, this will only happen after I begrudgingly write the check out to the Arizona state government and pay-off my state taxes this month.

Song of the day: William It Was Really Nothing by The Smiths...'William, William, it was really nothing, how can you stay with a fat girl who says, would you like to marry me? And if you'd like you can buy the ring...I'm not changing for anyone, except myself'

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