
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-08-12
:::: 8:06 p.m.
I want to retire in San Diego. I love going to the Pacific Ocean, it is NOTHING like the Gulf of Mexico! It is so cool and not even humid in the slightest. Today I am so tired because I drove about an hour outside of town and drove back within a span of 6 hours. The only good thing about doing what I do is that I can work as my own boss outside of my 'actual' job and I LOVE it. Anyway, I'm getting the NOKIA 3595 (it has a color monitor) and it is so beautiful. I am up for a phone-upgrade and the freakin' singular company that serves my area is CINGULAR... How's that for irony?! Maybe it's not an actual irony, but come-on, play along for life's sake! Ha-ha! Anyway, I better go bc I still have to call the relocation dept. of CINGULAR in order to get my phone mailed overnight. Anyway, I'll e-mail everyone with the new digits. Woo-hoo!

SONG OF THE DAY: "One Singular Sensation" by whoever wrote the Music for "A Chorus Line". One, singular sensation...ever little step she takes, da da dada dada da...You know you'll never be lonely with you know who...ONE!

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