
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-08-09
:::: 4:01 p.m.
It's Isaac Mizrahi day on the Oxygen Channel (Oh! Oh! Oh!) Anyway, If I could have a guru, he would be it. It is already 108 here and I am dying. I went out at 11:45am and it was BRUTAL. I am going to wait 'til dusk to run bc otherwise I would pull an Anne Heche and find myself in Malibu saying I'm God or speaking in an ominous nature. As far as today goes, my GH S called and he's in Houston having a mid-afternoon Cosmo and then heading to a club somewhere in Downtown Houston. Tomorrow I'm supposed to meet up with some friends but I am SO tired I just want to chill, especially since I'll be doing 'extra work' on Monday 'til 9:00pm. Yikes! Why do I do this to myself? Well, bc then I can travel and not have to worry about being 'stuck' in 'Ruraltown USA' where the streets literally have no names! I kid you not! And we ain't talkin' U2 here people.

Song of the Day: "Where The Streets Have No Name" by U2. I want to run, I want to hide. I want to tear down the walls...holding you tight...Where the streets have no name...Oh!

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