
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2004-10-04
:::: 5:24 p.m.
My two favorite colors are what led me to choose this layout. That and the fact that Happy Bunny is a riot and gets what I'm feeling at the time I come across him. Anyhoo, I have had some bizarre run-ins with the opposite sex. The guys that are interested are SO not my type. Ordinarily I'd be flattered but I'm talking these are guys I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy! I have worked out religiously this week and my muscles are getting toned, specifically in my arms and legs. This is good since my bridesmaid dress is in and I have to now determine where and if it needs to be altered. Hopefully I need to have it taken IN and not let OUT. Well, I am doing well and glad that we have 1/2 days all this week. Friday is also payday, Awww yeaaaah!EDIT: 10-09-04 Friday was an inservice day. It turns out I didn't have it off, whatever! $40 damn dollars to sit in a room and hear crap I already know. At least I get it reimbursed. My back is killing me...It's THAT time, if ya know what I mean. Later!

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