
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-07-13
:::: 8:18 p.m.
I just finished watching Project Greenlight and one of the Directors, Efram Potelle, is SUCH a jerk. He gets on my last nerve. I'd tell you what I'm feeling but like I just said, he's on my last nerve so therefore, I am numb...heh-heh! Anyway, I feel bad for Charlotte, her meshugunah dumped her tonight so now I know she's not getting hitched. Wah! I did hear a rumour that David Duchovny is coming on the show but as a love interest for Carrie. Is anybody's relationship going to end happily? Geez! Anyway, back to reality. Today I got a call from my friend M and I'm supposed to go to Phoenix to 'hang out' and shop either Monday or Tuesday. On another topic, I am NOT so sure the people I associate with are people I need to associate myself with...Argh! I'm talking like NOBODY has called me except for S, my GH, because he's dope like that. I don't know, maybe I'm over-dramatizing everything, but it feels crappy when people who say they care about you don't freakin' communicate with you. Not even in indirect ways like e-mail or something. Whatever... I am going to stay positive and go running. I drove around my complex today to measure the distance on the odometer and it is exactly 1.0 miles. This means if I want to go running I can just step outside and 'high-tail' it if I want. hah-ha! Oh, why this fixation on running? I opened up a card that M gave me and inside was a picture of M, me, and another friend and I look about 10 pounds too damn heavy. Whoever said pictures do NOT lie wasn't lying.

Song of the day: Hand In My Pocket by Alannis Morrissette..." 'cause I've got one hand in my pocket and the other one's hailin' a taxi cab..." It's a good 'high-tail' kind of song.

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