
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-07-12
:::: 1:35 p.m.

I stayed up way too late last night. I stayed up to watch a movie I'd seen already, but this was after I had gone out to dinner at Outback with some friends. I am also 6 chapters into 'Shopaholic Takes Manhattan,' which I highly recommend because it is so darn funny! Anyway, I'm busy fumbling through my drawers to find a safety pin or thread and needle to sew this kick ass blouse I bought the other day. I got a beautiful pink (fuschia) pedicure on my toes and this blouse just matches perfectly. It's beaded and is v-necked and is tye-dyed but graduated so it looks so boss! I can be such a girly girl but it's SO much fun to dress up in outfits that are just FUN to wear. I'm about to go to Mervyn's and attack their accessories section, I saw this killer necklace that was only $6. I get paid next week. Gosh, I am such a Shopaholic, Bex beware. The way I see it, we're all allowed one vice and shopping is mine. Anyway, I bargain shop so I can buy like entire outfits for $10 sometimes. So, technically it's 'no harm no foul' for me or anyone else. PD get ready, we can go shopping for your Adieu party....Savers here we come!

Song of the day: Sara by Starship... 'Sara, Sara, storms are brewing in your eyes...Sara, Sara, no time is a good time for goodbyes...'

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