
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-08-19
:::: 2:07 p.m.
There are some people in this world who are SO insecure they deem it necessary to spout off what they have at any given moment. It's almost funny except it gets really annoying to listen to the 'have nots' act like they are the 'haves'. Listen people, if you REALLY 'have' it, you don't brag about it. It's okay to be proud but don't be arrogant and boastful...it doesn't become anyone, least of all women. It would be like 'Keeping Up With The Jones' except here, with the cultural variety, it's 'Keeping Up With The Garcia's' more like... Anyway, there's this really nice person who I just met who is a 'have' and doesn't brag about anything she has, and believe me she HAS! Anyway, I'm so perturbed by this other person who has no awareness with regard to common courtesy and speaking of how much so-and-so spends, how much such and such costs, etc. Not to mention, this person speaks over people. For starters, this person has spoken over me! That is a BIG pet peeve of mine. At least listen to somebody. I haven't run into someone who needed that much attention to feel important since 7th grade, oh wait, there was RC in the late '90s. Anyway, as you can see, nothing going on here except SMALL TOWN DRAMA.

Song of the day: So Yesterday by Hillary Duff... 'So Yesterday... So Yesterday...'

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