
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-08-26
:::: 7:13 a.m.
There is a stomach virus going around and I had my episode last week. It may be making a repeat performance this week, Ugh! Anyway, I haven't had time to update as I would like. I DO not and AM NOT feeling well. Ratsola! Gosh, I don't really have much to report except that this weekend is Labor Day and I am probably staying here unless my contract money comes in this week. I hope it does because I seriously need it! I do get paid Friday but it just blows when you work and turn in your assignments and the freaking accounting/finance department drags its collective ass to pay you. Anyway, I am stoked about the extra day and I best get going so I can turn in my time-sheet so I can get paid the moola this Friday. If it all pans out, maybe I'll go to San Diego or Palm Springs for the day, to get a whiff of the nice Ocean air.

Song of the day: So Real by Jeff Buckley... Oh That was so real!

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