
I'm Not Crazy I'm Just A Little UnWell

:::: 2003-03-27
:::: 9:41 a.m.
I am at work, so I am looking over my shoulder as I type since I am waiting for my next client and I'm using someone else's computer. Yikes! Anyway, I've tested 6 kids in 3 days and I am so glad I got it done! Well, I am doing and feeling better this week. I went to Krav on Tuesday and our coach changed the warm-up on us. My upper body is killing me. Anyway, I know I'll be glad later but right now my triceps have never felt so sore. What else. Well, not much. I will update later when I have more free time. I updated my e-mail to MSN 8. It is so dope. The new Bachelor is a dork. I don't care how much money he has, he is a neo-maxi-zoom dweebie, as Judd Nelson's character Bender said in 'The Breakfast Club.'

Song of the day: So Real-Jeff Buckley. He has such a beautiful voice. I might have recommended this one earlier but I think it is a classic. Bye!

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